iPhone 5 Case – Create Your Own Coveroo ThinShield Case for iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S

You’re Designing a Custom iPhone 5 Case

(Coveroo Thinshield for iPhone 5)

Step 1


Click “Browse Templates” to see some pre-made layouts and start with one of these ideas. You can load any of these custom designs and edit or adjust them.

Or, click “Start from Scratch” or just click step 2, to move on to create your own custom iPhone 5 case design from scratch.

Step 2

Background Colors and Images

Click “Background Colors” to change the color of the printed area on the case (the back). You can choose a 2nd color to make cool custom color fades, and use the slider next to the color pickers to change the direction of the fade.

Pro-Tip:What’s your favorite color? Try a light version of that color for the 1st color choice, and a dark version of that color for the 2nd color choice – then slide the angle back and forth until you find a cool look!

Or, click “Background Images” to browse our images that you can use for backgrounds. If you’d like to upload your own images, proceed to step 3.

Step 3

Your Images + Your Text.

In step 3, you can really personalize your custom case by adding your own pictures and text! Upload your own photos, get photos from URLs, or use some of our images!

Step 4

Confirm Options

Step 4 is even easier. Simply check the box to confirm to the terms and check off if you’d like your case to shown in the gallery or not, and press OK.

Enter your email address to save your design and it will automatically email you a link to it so you can reload it or come back to it any time you want (don’t worry, we hate spam, too! We always keep your email address private and never share it with anyone).

That’s it! Your new Custom iPhone 5 Case is done!

After completing all of the steps above, your custom case will be saved now (to your free profile) where you can share it with your friends on any network, or by email! The case will also be added to your shopping cart. Check our homepage for promotions and coupons for exclusive Case Monkey offers and discount codes!

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