Case-Monkey Cases – What’s the Difference?

We get asked frequently what the difference is between all of the cases that we offer. is a phone and table hub that connects you with multiple brands of iPhone cases, Galaxy cases, iPad cases, and more. We sample and test out all new cases that we...

Why Use Custom iPhone Cases and iPad Cases from Case-Monkey

Got You Covered for Custom iPhone Cases? Have you got a new iPhone or iPad for yourself and don’t want it to get scratched? If so then you should look for good Custom iPhone Cases or iPad Cases that can protect your gadget from any damage. Using a good cover can also...

Create Your Own Custom iPhone 5 Case

The Custom iPhone 5 Cases are in! Create Your Own! You can now customize a Coveroo Thinshield right here at Case Monkey and we’ll have it shipped to your door. We’re getting great feedback so far that the printing looks great and the case is a nice size...